The Hero (2017), Lucky (2017), and The Last Movie Star (2018)

Wait.  What?:  Sam Elliott, Harry Dean Stanton, and Burt Reynolds play actors at the end of their careers.  Actually, I don’t remember what Harry Dean Stanton does other than be elderly in Lucky, so I’ll think of him as an old actor.  They are all crotchety in their waning years, and all taking many pills, and dealing with reality.

Who Had the Most Fun?:  Going with Burt Reynolds.  Two words: Hallucinating Hookers.  And calling people on their $#!+.  And some Smokey!

Best Singing Voice:  Harry Dean Stanton, in Spanish no less!  It was lovely.  But Burt Reynolds does a nice job, too.  All I can think of for Sam Elliott is “Barbecue Sauce.”  His speaking voice definitely wins.  (Though not in this movie, Sam Elliott does sing, as I found out on Youtube.  Not too bad.)

Nick Offerman, Chevy Chase, or…David Lynch?:  Wow.  Anyone but David Lynch who is an incredibly not good actor.  I happen to love both Nick Offerman and Chevy Chase.  Going with Offerman, as drug dealer/best friend to Sam Elliott.

As We’ve Never Seen Them Before:  Modern Family’s Ariel Winter as a promiscuous, well-drugged, unfortunate nose-ringed, scantily clad, sassy teen in The Last Movie Star.  She holds her own against Burt Reynolds!  Krysten Ritter as a daughter holding a grudge in The Hero when I’ve mostly seen her in vapid or vacuous roles.  I have not seen Jessica Jones yet, so I was really surprised.  And David Lynch as an “actor.”  Pfft.

Most Heartbreaking:  If Harry Dean Stanton hadn’t died this last year, I’d actually say The Last Movie Star.  But because Stanton did die you focus on his familiar face and his charm and you miss him.  On the flip side, seeing the constant reminders of Burt Reynolds in his prime as well as him conversing with his younger self actually had more of an impact on me.

On the Enjoyability Scale:  The Last Movie Star was made for a broader audience.  It wasn’t so serious, had no cancer, made me laugh, but still had a nostalgia factor that plucked the heartstrings.  All three are good, but I only enjoyed The Last Movie Star.  Lucky was charming, but it wasn’t fun.  And The Hero, while filled with wonderful performances, connected less.

Final Thoughts:  Triple feature!  Start with The Hero, end with The Last Movie Star.  You’ll be glad you saw all three.


image credit:  (Yes, I reversed the iconic picture.  I truly couldn’t help myself!  It’s the equivalent of side-boob!)

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